Monday, 30 September 2013

"The Pun"

Another drabble - I know I shouldn't have but i couldn't resist it. To those of you of a sensitive disposition, I apologise for this, unreservedly...

"The Pun”

The soft card of the cover creased and wrinkled as he reticulated it, flexing the pages of the book. Page forty-seven stared back at him defiantly, blotchy Royal Blue ink filling the printed grid. Only two down remained unpopulated. He scratched his head, concentration intense, peering through the steam from his recently made mug of tea. He tried to look nonchalant, unaware that he was failing. “Formal dancing event, undecorated”, four and four. Blank, blank, blank, B, and B, blank, blank, blank. He’d tried everything, but nothing would fit – nothing. But then, inspiration! Of course – it was obvious – Drab Ball!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

A Dribble of Drabbles...

Almost exactly a year ago I joined the excellent Kindle Users Forum. This coincided with the start of a thread inviting contributions of stories of exactly one hundred words (a one hundred word story is, apparently, a Drabble!). It's an interesting idea and has resulted in some really creative and widely varying interpretations, but I thought I might reproduce the two I've contributed to date:

"Darkness" (9th September 2012)

No room to move.
A sharp rattling sound and we all jump, startled.
A dry, grating, sliding - we are all exposed, naked, the pale glow slowly pouring in.
Pick me! Pick me!
Searching fingers grasp in the half light and find me. Yes!
I am dragged from my prison - no more than a box. It closes behind me.
Strong fingers grip me and I feel the pressure as my head is pushed against the wall. I am dragged - it rasps loudly, and then such exhilaration - a splutter, and with a phosphorous burst I cast aside the shadows... but I am consumed.

"Three Seconds"  (27th September 2013)

I'm sure this is the way. Yes, must be - no doubt about it.
Oh, look at that castle! I'll remember that if I come this way again.
What's he doing here, dressed in a suit and helmet? Perhaps if I don't make eye contact I can pretend I haven't seen him... Phew!
Now where do I go? Yes, this must be it - past the greenery and shells and the treasure chest.
Now where?
I'm sure this is the way. Yes, must be - no doubt about it.
Oh, look at that castle! I'll remember that if I come this way again.