Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The Watchmaker's Chain - Update

Better late than never, or so they say.

The Watchmaker's Chain spent many months in a state of suspended animation, and as I've reported before, when I came to try to re-animate it, I found that I was suffering from a severe case of writer's block.

It wasn't so much that I couldn't think what to write, but that I had suspended the creative process at a point in the story where some critical information was just about to be shared with the reader, and a necessary prerequisite of breathing life into the story was that I was completely clear as to what that information was, how much of it would immediately be made clear, and how it would be presented. To make matters worse, the rest of the book (and the plot's 'critical path') is heavily dependent upon that information, and upon my getting the balance of detail and revellation right. Sadly, this proved to be a difficult, protracted and painful process.

Well, several weeks later, I'm happy to report that I did eventually overcome this problem and with it the writer's block. The Watchmaker's Chain has now advanced by another eight thousand words (the total now stands at just over 40,000), and counting.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

100 Word Story

I sometimes post on the Kindle Users' Forum, and this morning added a small contribution to a thread for stories of exactly one hundred words length. Apparently, the correct name for a story of this length is a 'drabble' - I've learned something today!

Anyway, here is my first attempt (the inspiration for whic, ironically, came to me in the shower. If I have to explain to you what it's about, then I have obviously failed!

Darkness. No room to move.
A sharp rattling sound and we all jump, startled.
A dry, grating, sliding – we are exposed, naked, the pale glow slowly pouring in.
Pick me! Pick me! Searching fingers grasp in the half-light and find me. Yes!
I am dragged from my prison – no more than a box. It closes behind me.

Strong fingers grip me and I feel the pressure as my head is pushed against the wall. I am dragged – it rasps loudly, and then such exhilaration – a splutter, and with a phosphorous burst I cast aside the shadows... but I am consumed.

Monday, 1 October 2012

October 1st - Another Month Gone!

Well, another month gone, and The Watchmaker's Chain is finally showing signs (somewhat grudging ones) of stirring back into life. I don't know whether this is a problem that other writers encounter (when leaving a book part-written, only to find it reluctant to be revived at a later date), or whether it's something to do with the point at which I left it. I suspect the latter.

Anyway, in the meantime September was quite a positive month for The Testing of Archie Rathbone as it achieved more downloads (both paid and free) than in the preceding two and a half months since publication put together. (I'm still talking small numbers though - sadly - so shan't be placing the order for the Aston Martin quite yet).

One thing I do know is that contrary to expectations, being unemployed actually makes it harder to find the time, motivation, and focus to write. This is another reason why getting The Watchmaker's Chain moving again has been such a struggle. There's still no job, and at this rate I'll turn into one of those penniless writers that frequent the pages of French and Americal fiction, living from one red bill to the next and scowling at life whenever prodded.

No change there then!