Monday, 10 September 2012

All Change

There are a few things I'd like to share with you today:

New Look Blog
For starters (and you'll have noticed this if you've visited this blog before), I've change the look of these pages - new colour scheme and background. I know it's only superficial, but it amused me to do it! I'm not sure (now I've actually done it) why I felt the need for a revamp - it's not as though I've made a particularly good job of it, or that the new 'look' makes the content any more eye-catching or appealing - but there you go - it's done now (at least until I tire of it and decide to do another overhaul)!

Amazon Adventure Update
Then there's a brief update on the results of the last free promotion of The Testing of Archie Rathbone: A couple of days after the promotion I reported the download figures, but subsequently there were a further thirty-five downloads, and then another ten paid downloads as well. More interesting though is the effect it had on the book's ranking on Amazon. During the promotion it was shown as about nine thousandth in the free amazon kindle ebook rankings (it's highest placing so far) and only about 4th in the YA fantasy ranks. Subsequently (after returning to the paid lists) when the ten paid downloads were processed it went up to about fifteen thousand'th in the paid lists, before returning to it's pre-promotions levels gradually over the subsequent week.

In total now, The Testing of Archie rathbone has been downloaded over three hundred times. Hopefully, apart from any effect this has on rankings, this will result in more ratings on Amazon, and more reviews. Prior to the promotion there were only six pages of 'Customers who bouth this item also bought' books - now there are seventeen pages. Assuming that this means that my book will also appear on the equivalent lists for at least some of those books, it should be becoming more visible.

The Watchmaker's Chain Plot
Lastly, I'm battling with the plot for The Watchmaker's Chain. Actually, that's not quite accurate - know what is going to happen, it's just that there are some details that need to support the plot that are so complex and involved that they need more time and concentration than I've been able to give them recently. Never mind - it will happen!

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